Home » Conspiracy is Main Cause of Jailbreaks in Nigeria — Edet

Conspiracy is Main Cause of Jailbreaks in Nigeria — Edet

Ime Nseyo Edet joined the Nigerian Prison Service (now the Nigerian Correction Centre) in 1972. He retired voluntarily in 1988 after having served in various formations such as the Kirikiri Maximum Prison in Lagos, Enugu, Benin, Calabar, and Ikot Ekpene.

In this encounter, Edet opens up on various issues concerning the service, including its strengths and weaknesses, and offers solutions for a better Nigerian Correctional Service. Excerpts:

By Udo Ibuot

What is security?

Security entails always having custody of everything, both movable and immovable.

What militates against successful security operations?

One, betrayal, dishonesty, lack of motivation on the part of the employer, and non-provision of the basic operation apparatus, like when the government has interest in a particular operation.

You mentioned dishonesty as one of the things that militates against successful security operations. Dishonesty, on whose part?

Dishonesty on the part of the operative; for example, mismanagement of funds meant for officers in the field by the top brass of the department so concerned.

When did you join the Nigerian Prison Service?

I joined the Nigerian Prison Service in 1972 and transferred my service to the University of Calabar in 1986 as a senior staff of the university. I retired in 1988.

Is there any special skill that is required for the job?

Interest in serving humanity and your beloved country. Another kill involves an interest in security matters.

What does it take to be a correctional officer?

In those days, the basic qualification for being a correctional officer was the West African School Certificate, WASC but before the war, the First School Leaving Certificate was considered to be the qualification. After the civil war, higher educational qualifications were considered for recruitment. You must be a Nigerian by birth and never have been convicted by any competent court in Nigeria. Furthermore, you must be of sound moral character, and not a person of doubtful integrity.

What, in your opinion, leads to a jailbreak?

Conspiracy on the part of prison officials often leads to jailbreaks. Another reason is official intervention by the government of the day.

People, including ex-convicts, sometimes complain of poor welfare services. What’s your take on this?

Nobody can satisfy everybody, but at the same time, consider the fact that most of the detainees were well-off before their conviction or detention. Two, prison conditions are based on laid-down rules, so nobody is expected to have his way while in custody or prison. You can have your social life outside.

Can suspects or convicts conspire and bribe officers to aid their escape? Is there any such recorded case?

Yes, on several occasions, especially by those taken to court by police or correctional officers.

We hear of prisoners escaping when hired to perform labour by members of the public. Is this true, and does the Nigerian Correctional Service still render such services?

When I was in service in 1986, hired labour was still in practice, but I don’t know whether it is still practicable today. It depended on how the prison officer was attached to his gang to discharge his duty back then.

In such situations, what punishment is usually meted out to the officers on duty?

One, a panel will be formed to investigate the events that led to the escape.If found culpable, the officers will be dealt with according to the law of the land.

Is there any magic or voodoo that can aid anybody in escaping from prison custody?

The answer is “No! “, for it is only in prison that the word security is practically implemented.

Throughout your service, did you win any special awards for meritorious service?

I may not have won an award because I don’t think awards existed then, but I never had any cause to be issued Form 96, which is a form of query. I served in nearly all prison formations in Nigeria. They include Maximum Security Prison, Kirikiri, Enugu, Benin, Calabar, Ikot Ekpene, and others.

Looking back, are you satisfied with the operations of the service now?

Well, presently, I’m not in service, but according to available records, they are practicing according to the directives of their superiors. I still believe there is room for improvement on the part of the officers, men, and inmates.

What suggestions would you make for improvements?

Well, I call on the Federal Government to look at the welfare of the men and officers of the service, as they are the only men operating humanitarian services without adequate compensation. People with higher qualifications should be made to study the basic foundations of prison operations before being allowed to occupy higher posts.

source: vanguardngr
