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Lagos Orders Reopening Of Mile 12 International Market

The Lagos State Government has ordered the reopening of Mile 12 International Market following its closure last Friday. The Commissioner for the Environment and Water Resources, Tokunbo Wahab, on Monday said that the Lagos Government ordered the reopening of the popular market after a thorough assessment.

Wahab added that the assessment covered various aspects of environmental compliance, waste management practices and general cleanliness within the market. He stated that issues critical to the environment, public health and safety were not negotiable in anyway.

Wahab also explained that the government would not watch helplessly as those values were compromised and eroded by the conduct of a few people.

“We cannot continue to be nonchalant about our environment. Our negative attitude towards the environment must stop,” he said.

“The way we treat the environment is the way the environment treats us. We cannot fold our arms and allow the nonchalance of a few to affect the generality of the people.

“Following full compliance with environmental standards and safety measures earlier listed as a precondition for reopening shut markets, the Lagos State Government has ordered the immediate reopening of Mile 12 International Market.

“Despite several advocacies and public Enlightenment, the government is left with no choice but to enforce. The enforcement exercise will be a continuous one, as no Government takes delight in shutting down markets,” Wahab said.

He urged the traders to play by the rules of acceptable standards and also do everything possible to put a premium on hygiene for their health and that of the public. Wahab further stressed that the government will not shy away from shutting down any market within Lagos State that returns to old filthy ways.

He added that the fight to save our environment and safeguard it is a continuous one.

“If we continue to bicker amidst each other instead of taking action, the elements will overcome all of us,” Wahab said.

Source: The Guardian
