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Making NBA Great Again: Exco Should Focus on Raising The Bar

As the dust settles from the bustling and exciting rollercoaster of the 2023 NBA AGC, would-be 2024 Gladiators have started jostling for visibility. For the next couple of months, Nigerian Lawyers will be inundated with a barrage of greetings, well-wishes, felicitations and commiserations which are nothing more than disguised campaigns for political office. This begs the question whether those who resort to such mundane methods should be trusted with the leadership of the Bar. I leave you to answer that question for yourself because our focus today lies on a group of people who have been entrusted to superintend the affairs of the Association- the Elected Executive.

The current NBA Exco is made up of politically savvy, legal practitioners many of whom are angling for positions made up of led by a President who is not your typical ‘Bar Politician’ and apolitical lawyers has been caught up by political showboating ahead of the 2024 NBA Elections. The drama came to a crescendo during the presentation of Reports at the Annual General Meeting when members of the Exco decided to claim their 5 minutes of fame in the court of public opinion. These struggles for attention are not new to leadership or even to the NBA, many still remember the protracted battle between immediate past President, Olu Akpata and then General Secretary, Joyce Odua. The GS who claimed her 5 minutes of fame which ultimately led to the filing of several lawsuits now seeks to lead the NBA as President. Hmmmm.

The mission of the NBA Executive, is to champion the cause of the rule of law in a country where the law itself often resembles a particularly elusive unicorn.

The NBA’s mission is a noble and daunting one—to promote and protect the rule of law in Nigeria. In a country where the rule of law often feels like a relic of a bygone era, the NBA’s leadership must refuse to be distracted by petty squabbles and political differences, even by those who harbor future political ambitions.

Here are a few issues that the NBA should intervene in

1. The Rule of Law or Law of Rule

One cannot help but wonder, in a country where Executive overreach seems to be the rule rather than the exception, the NBA needs to champion the cause of compliance with the law because it is the due process of law and equality before the law that protects the common Nigerian from becoming a victim of abuse and impunity.

2. Human Rights Advocacy

The NBA Leadership must take the charge of fighting for the entrenchment of the human rights of Nigerians across the nooks and crannies of Nigeria. The proliferation of law enforcement agencies such as Nigeria Police Force (NPF), Economic and Financial Crimes (EFCC), Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC), State Security Services (SSS) and even Vehicle Inspection Officers (VIO) have led to an erosion of the respect for human rights of Nigerians. These agencies get increasingly involved in civil, contractual and commercial matters using the immense power of the State to intimidate Nigerian citizens.

3. Judicial Accountability

The Nigerian Judicial system is fast beginning to resemble a labyrinth with no exit. The leaders of the NBA must contend with a legal system where justice delayed is justice denied, and where a court case can outlive the litigants themselves. The NBA at National and Branch levels need to provide judicial accountability by taking allegations of judicial impropriety seriously and investigating cases of clear miscarriage of justice. There is a need to improve public confidence in the judicial system and the legal process or we all descend into anarchy.

4. Capacity Building for Lawyers

In a country where earnings have a tendency to disappear faster than fuel during a fuel scarcity crisis, the NBA leadership must continue to prioritize capacity building above all else. Enhanced aptitude equips lawyers to provide enhanced services, maintain ethical and professional standards, improve specialization, client service and customer satisfaction.

5. The Plight of Young Lawyers

The current NBA President is known to be a champion for empowering young lawyers. History will show that he facilitated the review of the Lawyers Remuneration Order 2023. This Order is revolutionary and must be commended by all. The next phase is to encourage employers of legal services to provide improved working conditions for younger lawyers.

6. Health Awareness for Lawyers

News of Legal Practitioners collapsing has now become common. No one is talking about the physical and emotional pressures that come with being a Lawyer in a country like Nigeria. Imagine the mental health challenges faced by someone whose job is to listen to and act upon other people’s problems day in day out. The NBA should drive awareness among members on the issue of physical and mental health habits and the need for medical checkups, more importantly on the role of health insurance in mitigating the cost of medical treatment.


Ultimately, the leaders of the NBA must eschew political machinations and grandstanding and focus on promoting and protecting the rule of law. Two years will go by like a shooting star streaking across the night sky- in a fleeting moment. Arriving suddenly, and just as quickly, vanishing into the abyss of memory. You will be remembered only for what you did or undid so why not invest your time in fulfilling your mandate even in the face of seemingly insurmountable obstacles.

Source: The Nigeria Lawyer
