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Turkey to Hold Talks With Sweden and Finland on Joining NATO

Turkey has said that NATO accession talks with Sweden and Finland will take place on 9 March.

This was stated by Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu, European Truth reports with reference to journalists.

“It will be considered whether the elements of the triple memorandum are implemented or not. There were two meetings. We postponed the third meeting after the burning of the Koran. It would be useful to hold a third meeting in Brussels. It will take place on March 9,” says Cavusoglu.

According to Cavusoglu, both countries have commitments to NATO membership. However, Turkey cannot say “yes” to Sweden’s membership because it has not seen the promised steps.

The Turkish Foreign Minister added that the Swedish authorities have amended their anti-terrorism legislation, but terrorist accomplices continue to operate freely in this country.

Recall that on January 21, the leader of the Danish right-wing extremist party “Hard Course” Rasmus Paluda allegedly “with the permission of the Swedish authorities” held a rally near the walls of the Turkish embassy in Stockholm. A man publicly burned a book of the Quran.

In response, Ankara canceled a planned visit by Swedish Defense Minister Pal Johnson to Turkey.

Source: Delo
