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Israel-Gaza War: Nigeria’s Islamic Affairs Council Calls for Ceasefire

The Nigerian Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs (NSCIA) on Monday called for a cease-fire in the ongoing Israeli-Hamas war in Gaza. The NSCIA, headed by the Sultan of Sokoto, Sa’ad Abubakar, as its president-general, also called for the opening of a humanitarian corridor for the delivery of food and medical supplies to Gaza.

“The Council commiserates with the people of Palestine on the huge losses they have recorded before and during the current war and calls for an immediate ceasefire. We also pray for peace, justice, security and humanity because violence is an evil wind that blows no one any good,” a statement by the Deputy Secretary General of the NSCIA, Salisu Yunus, read on Monday.

Calls for justice, peace

The council, the highest Islamic body in Nigeria, also called on world leaders to uphold justice and peace in solving the escalation that started about a week ago. NSCIA accused world leaders, especially the United States (US), of only paying lip service to peace, saying they have been unwilling to enthrone justice in the Israeli-Palestinian relations. The NSCIA stated that while peace is desirable, peace without justice would only precipitate future crises.

It also condemned the United States for siding with the Israelis, saying the U.S. action doesn’t represent the values of justice, freedom, security and protection of life that it always proclaims.

“The world, beginning from the United States to the rest of those who turn a blind eye to the Israeli atrocities, should wake up to the fact that all humans are equal and justice is the best guarantor of peace,” the NSCIA stated.

“The Council is disappointed that, in its usual dishonourable way, the United States has openly and shamelessly taken sides with Israel in spite of its brazen and incessant aggressions and massacre of the Palestinians for about eight decades now.”

The council also called on the Nigerian government to stand with Palestine and against Israel as it did during the apartheid in South Africa. It said: “The Council also calls on the Federal Government of Nigeria to, as it did with apartheid in South Africa and for the sake of humanity and justice, come out and stand clearly with the helpless victims of persistent Israeli persecution, massacre, oppression and suppression.”

The NSCIA noted that while the two-state solution is not just for Palestinians, it appears halfway out. It, therefore, called on Muslims, particularly Nigerians, “to offer special prayer to Allah, who revealed Suratul Fil, for divine rescue of the oppressed Palestinians.” NSCIA accused Israel of repeatedly failing to honour the United Nations resolutions to implement the two-state solution of the Oslo Accord and guarantee Palestinians’ economic and political security.

It also condemned what it described as “an all-out war and complete siege on two million defenceless people”, stating that it is “atrocious, abhorrent and unjustified.”

“The Israelis have rather imposed a most abhorrent colonial policy on the besieged enclave,” it said.

“They have also continued to treat Palestinians as sub-humans and made Gaza the largest open-air prison in the world under the ungodly false mantra that Palestine was a land without people and Israelis were people without land.”

Israel-Hamas war

Thousands have been killed on both sides since the escalation started with an attack on Israel from Hamas more than a week ago. Most of the casualties, according to reports, are civilians, including children. Israel ordered about 1.1 million people in northern Gaza to leave by the south. But the UN said the evacuation was impossible and warned of “devastating humanitarian consequences”. Meanwhile, Hamas is telling civilians to ignore the evacuation order.

Source: Premium Times
