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How Fast Are Private Jets?

It is a common misconception that private jets fly faster than commercial airliners because they are associated with celebrities and the wealthy. While some private jets are faster than commercial airplanes, many variables determine how fast an airplane can go. Flying private saves time as there are no lines or security or boarding, but do they fly faster than commercial planes?

Speed of a private jet

Typically, private jets travel at a faster speed than commercial planes due to their ability to fly at higher altitudes. Furthermore, private jets are smaller than most commercial planes, allowing them to travel at faster speeds. With that said, a private jet’s speed depends on the engine type and aircraft category.

For instance, the smaller private jets known as turboprops, propeller-driven jets generally fly between 190 miles per hour and 500 mph. One of the most popular turboprop private jets is the Pilatus PC12, with over 2,000 delivered as of May 2023. This jet can accommodate up to 8 passengers and fly at speeds up to 327 mph.

Now, larger private jets can travel at speeds between 400 mph and 700 mph and have an average cruising speed of 600 mph. Currently, the fastest private jet operating in the world is the Cessna Citation X+. The jet can travel up to 717 mph and was certified in 2014 but was discontinued in 2018 with under 30 aircraft sold.

However, this title will be overtaken by the Bombardier Global 8000, which can reach speeds of 721 mph. Although the Global 8000 has not yet been officially released during testing in May 2021, it exceeded the speed of sound traveling at 778 mph. The Global 8000’s commercial speed makes it the fastest civilian aircraft since the Concorde. Bombardier plans on releasing the jet in 2025.

Why do private jets fly so fast?

Commercial airlines, such as the Boeing 747, have a significantly lower cruising speed than the average private jet, as it is just 500mph. This is due to a myriad of factors, including the temperature, altitude, and the mass of the airplane. A plane with more mass creates more drag, thus limiting its speed. Furthermore, a larger airplane requires more thrust to accelerate faster.

The higher an airplane climbs in altitude, the maximum possible speed increases. Each plane has an altitude for achieving the best speed, which is why airplanes fly at a specific altitude. Additionally, as planes travel higher, the temperature decreases, increasing the maximum thrust, thus allowing the plane to travel faster.

Private jets typically fly at an altitude of 41,000, whereas commercial jets fly at lower altitudes, between 31,000 and 38,000 feet. The higher the altitude, the thinner the air is, giving less resistance to keep the plane in the sky. Flying too high also poses a safety risk, as in the event of an emergency, it would take longer to reach a safe altitude.

This, coupled with the fact that flying at a higher altitude, keeps private jets out of the same airspace that is used by commercial planes, making it easier for air traffic control.

Lastly, private jets are smaller compared to the average commercial airplane. One of the most popular private jets, the Cessna Citation X, typically seats eight passengers and has a maximum capacity of 11 passengers. Compared with the most popular commercial jets, the Boeing 737 and Airbus A320 seat between 160 and 180 passengers.

Source: Simple Flying
